1. Pull the Tabs to Release: When a fire breaks out, immediately grab your Flame Out Blanket’s black pull straps and pull downwards. This will instantly release the folded blanket from its case.
2. Protect Your Hands: Hold the blanket by the corners and wrap the top edges around your hands to shield them. Keep the blanket between you and the fire at all times.
3. Cover the Fire Completely: Gently place or drape the blanket over the fire source, completely covering the flame. Do not throw the blanket, to avoid fanning the flames. For a pan or stovetop fire, lay the blanket over the pan and turn off the heat source (if it’s safe to do so). For a fire on a person’s clothing, wrap the blanket around the person.
4. Leave in Place & Cool: Once the fire is covered, do not peek or remove the blanket immediately. Cutting off the oxygen will cause the flames to die out. Leave the blanket in place until the burned object cools down significantly.
5. Call Emergency Services if Needed: If at any point the fire is not quickly extinguished or is growing, evacuate the area and call the fire department. Flameout is meant for small fires – always prioritize personal safety.
6. Aftermath: Once the item is cool and the fire is out, carefully lift the blanket. If it’s your stovetop, you can now safely remove the charred pan. If the blanket was used on a person, seek medical attention for any burns.